We believe you.
These three little words can make all the difference to a survivor of sexual abuse or assault.
☎ 24-Hour Crisis Line IA: 866-921-3354 IL: 309-797-1777
Survivor Services
Family Resources provides free, confidential services to survivors of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, human trafficking, homicide, and other violent crime.
Emergency Crisis Assistance
Sheltering and Rapid Rehousing
Medical and Legal Advocacy
Safety Planning
Employment Assistance
Education and Awareness
Walk-in Crisis Facilities
Open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Jackson, Louisa and Clinton Counties
Reach out to us today! We're here to help you.
Contact the 24 Hour Crisis Lines for an emergency:
IA: 866-921-3354 or IL: 309-797-1777
“Family Resources has given me an opportunity to explore my abuse from the vantage point of a survivor, not a victim. “I’m empowered, and was able to grow through my experiences, not despite them. Most importantly, Family Resources has made me feel heard, and reminds me that my experiences are worth sharing because I am not alone.”
I’m a
Programs & Events
Trauma Survivor Support Group
5:15 - 6:15 p.m.
Virtual via Teams
Domestic Violence Trauma Support Group
2nd & 4th Thursday of the month
beginning January 23
4 - 5 p.m.
Domestic Violence Education Group
Time varies, please reach out for scheduling
Stand with us as we stand with
Times of crisis create instability for the people we serve. And we are committed to staying on the front lines with them, providing shelter and services every step of the way. But we need you to stand with us!
Ready to put your passion to purpose and support survivors? Find out how!