Donation Center Clothing Closet
Donation Center Clothing Closet *
Donation Center Clothing Closet
Now Taking Spring & Summer Clothing
The Donation Center Clothing Closet provides Family Resources Clients with free clothing, personal care products and soft home goods during times of crisis and life transitions. Items are donated by the community and processed by volunteers. This is a high impact donor and volunteer opportunity that directly benefits Family Resources Clients in times of need.
Donations and volunteering are scheduled by appointment only.
Friday donations and volunteering are from 10:00AM to 3:00 PM.
We cannot take donations without an appointment or through the week.
Donations must be clean, in good condition and smoke free.
To schedule an appointment contact Bob S. at 563-468-2317 or email Bobs@famres.org
Items we can accept:
Unopened hygiene & personal care products
Current style clothing and accessories for all ages and of all sizes
Underwear and socks for all ages and of all sizes
Soft home goods: blankets, sheets, towels and new pillows
We are not able to accept:
(shoes & footwear, home décor, luggage, medical equipment, furniture, books, electronics, toys and child equipment)
Thank you for supporting client needs by donating and volunteering!