Kate Lempke, LMHC Therapist
Kate Lempke is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the state of Iowa. Kate earned her Bachelor’s degree from Augustana College and went on to pursue a Master’s Degree in both Community based counseling as well as school counseling. She has been a licensed as a therapist since 2006 and has been providing therapy services in Iowa at Family Resources since 2012.
Kate’s specialties include extensive experience working with adolescents who have problem sexual behaviors and works in conjunction with multiple counties in the state of Iowa to provide treatment to those youth who has committed sexual offenses. She also has extensive experience in working with trauma, anxiety, and depression. Kate sees clients age 12 and up.
Kate believes that the therapeutic relationship is the most important predictor of success and works hard to foster a very client centered and warm relationship, treating the client as the expert in their own lives who may just need additional support in navigating through the challenges they are facing.